Meeting minutes for March 2018 Board Meeting
Monday, March 12, 2018
President: Brien Sherman
Vice President: Kenny Long
Treasurer: Jay Heath
Secretary: Vacant
Member At Large: Jeanne Perrin (absent)
Association Manager: Jack Taylor
Homeowners Forum
● One homeowner was present at the meeting this month. Meeting was called to order at 6:36pm. The December 2017 minutes were approved as written. No meetings in January or February.
Things to Always Remember
● GARAGE VEHICLE GATE: Before proceeding away from the building or to your parking space, please wait for the Summit Ave garage gate to close completely (Rule 3.17).
● GARAGE OPENERS: Do not leave garage remotes in vehicles (Rule 4.10). When a vehicle is broken into, thieves usually take the remote, as it’ll be much easier for them to re-enter the garage for additional burglarizing.
● PARKING IN GARAGE: The dentist office spaces are not to be used after hours for guest parking. There is no guest parking in the garages. All parking spaces are assigned. Unauthorized vehicles may be towed without warning at owner’s risk and expense. Non-resident owners, please advise tenants.
● WATER SHUT-OFF VALVE: Every unit has a water shut-off valve located above the water heater. This valve will shut water off to your whole unit only.
● REGULAR UNIT INSPECTIONS: Owners not residing in their unit are strongly encouraged to inspect their unit on a regular basis, as tenants tend to not report damage to the unit. Non-resident owners who live out of the area are required by statute RCW 59.18.060(15) to have a local representative to protect their interests.
Treasurer’s Reports
● For period ending February 28, 2018. Bank, Savings and Investment Accounts
Checking: $46,588.15
Washington Federal Replacement / Special Assessment Reserve: $223,685.26
Sound Credit Union Savings: $227,529.31
Umpqua Bank 17-month CD: $239,113.12
Petty Cash: $100.00
Total Assets: $747,015.84
Committee Reports
● The 600 E Howell project is scheduled to begin with demolition about April 15th, with construction to begin in May. (#3024635). Total project length is projected to be 16 months. These dates are subject to change.
● Continued burglaries of residential garages. Non-resident owners, please discuss this continued security issue with tenants. We strongly advise residents to never leave anything in lockers or vehicles that one does not wish to lose. Leaving valuables or even non-valuables in plain sight is an invitation for thieves. It is our individual responsibility to secure the building. No vehicle break ins reported last month.
● No packages were reported stolen in February.
● Please re-familiarize yourself with the Rules & Regulations, which may be easily found on the website.
● Recycling reminders : Our rules are identical to the City of Seattle’s recycling rules. An easy to read reminder is posted near the trash room door. Approximately two thirds of all boxes that are placed in the recycling bins contain items that are NOT recyclable. Boxes must be flattened and trash disposed of in the correct container.
Old Business
● Repairs to water damage in an upper x09 unit is essentially complete.
● A clogged drain line led to water damage in a single unit. Repairs to begin soon. This is another charge against the Association for damage, which may lead to additional borrowing against our Reserve accounts.
● The Ambassador I window project is ongoing. Scaffolding should be down on our side and on Summit by mid to late April.
● We have an opening on the Board. Any owner or resident is encouraged to stop by a meeting.
New Business
● We are currently getting bids for the -04 stack stucco repair and refurbishment project. As mentioned before, this project will be funded through our reserves. We are anticipating a start date sometime in May.
● We are beginning the budgeting process for the next fiscal year, beginning in July. We will have a higher than normal increase in homeowner dues. Significant Property Tax, Utility, and Insurance increases are the primary reasons the increase. There are also increased minimum wages that result in higher contracted services. Finally we have a Reserve account surcharge to repay borrowed money for leak repairs.
● Window and dryer vent cleaning is scheduled for April 5 and 6.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm.
Next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 9th, 2018 at 6:30pm in Unit E108.
Ambassador II Condominium Homeowners Association: