Ambassador II Condominiums

2006 annual homeowners meeting

Posted in Board meetings by Admin on the August 20th, 2006

The 2006 annual homeowners meeting was held on Wednesday, August 16th, at 7 PM in the Exercise Room. A quorum was reached and the meeting was a success. To read the minutes from the annual meeting please click here.

August 2006 HOA board meeting

Posted in Board meetings by Admin on the August 16th, 2006

The board met this month as per usual. Of note was the new security gate that has been installed into the telecommunications room, and preparations for the upcoming annual homeowners meeting.

The monthly board meeting’s minutes can be viewed by clicking here.

Security in the Communications Room

Posted in General information by Posting Admin on the August 9th, 2006

Over the past few months we have had problems with security in the equipment area that contains our phone, fire sprinklers, and the East building cable equipment. This equipment is housed in a room that is owned by, and that we share with, Ambassador I. No deliberate damage has occurred, but we are having problems with items being stored in our area that has inadvertently caused problems. To solve this, we have installed a gate that will secure our infrastructure a little better.

If you are having telephone service added (East or West building), or if you are having cable installed (in the East Building only) you will still need to arrange to have the main door unlocked. This is as it has been for several years. In addition, you will need to unlock the gate into our new equipment area. Your building key is all that you need to unlock the gate. This does mean that you will need to be home when the phone or cable installer is on-site. This is usually the case anyway. We are NOT giving keys to the gate to Phone or Cable installers. By the way, the lock will retain your key until the gate is re-locked, so you will need to stay there until the installer is done. If you leave your key and trust the installer to return it, and they don’t, the key replacement rules apply. If you need a new key, the charge is $100 (which goes toward the cost of re-keying the building), plus a $15 key charge. See the Rules and Regulations for key charge details.

Annual Meeting

Posted in General information by Posting Admin on the August 7th, 2006

The 2006 Annual Homeowners Meeting will be held Wednesday, August 16th, at 7 PM in the Exercise Room. The Board suggests you bring a chair to sit on.

All Homeowners are encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend please fill out and return your proxy that you will receive in the mail.