Ambassador II Condominiums

Meeting minutes for September 2008 board meeting

Posted in Board meetings by Admin on the September 15th, 2008

Homeowners Forum
A homeowner was present to discuss a number of topics. First, the homeowner has noticed a significant improvement in the cleaning crew since we switched vendors. The homeowner also alerted the Board to a light out on the 5th floor.

Treasurer’s Report
For period ending August 31st, 2008

Bank, Savings and Investment Accounts
Checking $ 52,015.79
Insurance Reserve $4,747.08
Replacement/Special Assessment CD $272,079.98

Other Assets
Petty Cash $100.00
Total Assets $329,910.98

Committee Reports
The bicycle committee has installed the 2nd bike rack. It is already at 80% capacity. The Board is pleased to see the space so well utilized. If interested in a space, please see the contact information posted on the bike rack.

The landscaping committee is continuing to pursue the hardscaping proposal that was voted in during the annual homeowners meeting. The permeability study is the next step and is being researched. Greg will be pursuing several ideas to help improve the looks of the landscaping and hardscaping.

There were no security issues during the past month.

There were no rules violations during the past month. Please note that the new pet policy has become active and all pets must be leashed and at their owners attention and immediate control at all times while on the property.

Old Business
The amendment to assign liability to homeowners for damages caused by their unit is being pursued by the Board. The proposed amendment text will be sent to our lawyer for a formal review.

The Board is in the process of finalizing the payouts for all damage and restoration work for the first in our series of floods.

The 2nd in our series of floods is still pending resolution. The unit that is responsible for the damage will be paying the deductible, and the Board will be making all other payouts from the insurance money which has been received.

The building suffered a 3rd leak in as many months. This leak was caused by a THS unit and we will be pursuing them for the damages during our upcoming meeting with them.

The elevator remodel is moving into the final stages waiting for permits from the city.

New Business
The Board appointed members to new positions as per the bylaws.

The Board has a meeting set up with the THS executives on the 15th of this month to discuss the numerous issues.

The Association Manager met with DW Close to proceed with the lighting repairs. The faulty fixtures have been repaired.

The exit lock on the south side of the upper parking garage is broken. AAA Locksmith is working to repair the lock. The issue should be resolved shortly.

A notice is being sent to all homeowners listing items within individual units which need immediate attention and regular maintenance.

The roach infestation stemming from a THS unit is being dealt with by exterminators. If individual unit owners see roaches please contact Property Concepts or the Board to notify us immediately. It is important to not leave out any food and using commercial extermination products (e.g. Roach Motels, etc) may also be of assistance. We hope to have this infestation behind us now.

The Summit garage door chain is being repaired.

The Board will be hauling abandoned furniture and general detritus from the garages and trash room in the next few weeks. This will improve the cleanliness and safety of the garages.