May 2007 HOA board meeting
The Homeowners Association board met this month on on Monday the 14th. The primary topic of discussion this month was repairs for the building. As most residents know, a visitor has damaged our garage door and we have Cressy door (our garage door contractor) working as quickly as possible to repair it. We will likely need to purchase a new door, but Cressy is hopeful that by the end of this week the door will be at least partially repaired. In the mean while we have significantly increased the number of security patrols to the building. Please be aware that until repairs are possible the Summit garage door will not be able to close and no valuables should be left in cars.
We are also in the process of receiving quotes to replace the roof on the West building. The roof is nearly due for replacement, and with the reoccurring leak in one unit a completely new roof is in order. The new roof falls under our standard operating budget.
On the topic of budgets the board has approved a 3% increase in homeowners dues for the 2008 fiscal year. This is 1% below the cost of inflation and will continue to provide for a healthy investment into our emergency reserves.
The May 2007 board meeting’s minutes can be viewed by clicking here.